Classroom 16!

The Classroom of Mr. Stathis

Mare Island Health and Fitness Academy

Morning Messages: February 17 - 21, 2020  

Monday, February 17, 2020

Holiday. Presidents' Day!


Tuesday, February 18, 2020

NO SCHOOL. Teacher Training Day.


Wednesday, February 19, 2020,


Dear Students:

      Words, words, words!

     In school we study words. Words are things, words are ideas, words are feelings. The more words we know, the greater we are, for each word adds to our understanding, our ideas, and the ability to better communicate our feelings.

     It's just amazing how many words we have explored this year: in our discussions together, in stories, in History, Science, and even Math words. Keep-up the hard work, and accept all the challenges to produce great work as we continue to expand our vocabulary, our understanding, and our overall efforts at striving for excellence!


           Mr. Stathis


Thursday, February 20, 2020


Dear Students:

      Let's talk about 'Friendship.'

     Friends, like 'Family' are an essential part of life, an essential part of the meaing of life!

     Friends help one another, helping to do "the right thing." It's no help, it's no real friend who reinforces "the wrong thing." Such people are not real friends, but are dwellers together in a dark cloud.

     Being a real 'Friend' to another is a sacred responsibility, the responsibility to help the other, share with one another, all to do "the right thing" in the DUTY TO ALL LIFE.

           Sincerely, Your Teacher and Friend,

           Mr. Stathis


Friday, February 21, 2020


Dear Students:



           Mr. Stathis